Meetup Girl Code – Maintainable Code

Meetup Girl Code – Maintainable Code

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Een speciaal Girl Code event bij KVK voor en door vrouwelijke ontwikkelaars volledig in het teken van 'maintainable code'.
KVK Utrecht - Sint Jacobsstraat 300
12 september 2024 van 17:45 tot 21:00 uur

All, or many, roads lead to Rome. Spaghetti code, talking about Italy, also leads to Rome. Rome can be a POC, an MVP or the utopian end product. But Maintainable Code leads to Rome in a durable way, a way which with a little love and affection is well-paved and probably causes less headaches travelling it for a longer while.

It's a concept we as programmers have to think about. To prevent technical debt and bugs, we should set up our projects to be readable, easy to understand, modified and reused by the ones after us, or even ourselves in say 6 months after we first wrote it.

A lot of developers will speak about clean code, well-documented code, well updated libraries etc. etc. Or more specific approaches: small and reusable functions, typing, test driven development, proper naming of functions and variables, linting, readme's or in-code documentation, DRY, SOLID, bots like Renovate, specific design patterns, GIT etiquette. You name it.

Tonight will be all about maintainable code, and how our speakers handle this concept.

RSVP via Meetup.